River’s Residue Floor Installation


“River’s Residue”

River’s Residue ©2003
The compressed river debris, preciously contained in these satin lined oak boxes, references our need to capture and contain that which we love and find beautiful, to archive trace of presence, and to resist letting go of our mortality.

The secure positioning of the boxes on the floor allows room for visitors to walk between and around them while looking downward and into what become intimate spaces within a public gallery.

Review: Nepean this Week – “Video Installation is Running out of Time”

Review: Insights Exhibition Catalogue, Karsh-Masson Gallery, November 21 to January 4, 2004.
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Review: Seeing Beyond 360 Degrees by Vivian Tors

©2013 Sandra Hawkins. All images of visual and media artworks, articles and poetry by the artist shown on this site are fully protected by copyright law. They are not to be exhibited, reproduced, displayed in any digital format, or placed on any website without the express written authorization of Sandra Hawkins. Copyright Collective Inc.